Bluetent at iTrip Summit 2022
November 8 - 10, 2022
Franklin, TN
Marketing Workshop: Getting our Homeowner Acquisition Marketing Plan off the Ground
Session Title: Marketing Workshop: Getting your Homeowner Acquisition Marketing Plan off the Ground
Session date: 11/10/2022
Session time: 11:00AM
Session Description:
When it comes to onboarding new homeowners, maybe your business strategy is to wait for the phone to ring or for an inquiry to hit your email inbox. but remember: if you are not actively communicating with potential homeowners, you can be certain that your competition is.
Join Bluetent as our experts for this marketing workshop to bring you simple tips that will help get your owner acquisition marketing plan off the ground and ultimately boost your business! You will walk away from this session geared up to boost your communication with potential new owners and kick your competition to the curb!