Digital marketing is important to grow your vacation rental business. Learn 4 tips for vacation rental managers to enhance their digital strategies and engage with guests, reach new audiences, and get more bookings. Discover insights provided by our team of experts and follow us on social for the weekly Trail Tip.
Trail Tip: Rank Highly on Google Search with Relevant Queries
Ranking highly on Google search results for a broad number of relevant queries increases traffic to your website, shows that you are an expert in the area, and improves customer confidence in your brand. Connect with our content team to learn more.
Trail Tip: Attract Inbound Traffic from Mobile Search Results
Feature your articles on Google’s “Interesting Finds” to increase relevant inbound traffic from mobile search results. Dive in and discover how @RentKeyWestVacations leveraged the newest feature to appear in Google Search.
Trail Tip: Utilize Email to Highlight Deals
Implement email in your marketing strategy to highlight a discount on summer rentals and increase direct-bookings. Explore how a Bluetent client accelerated reservations in less than a week with email.
Trail Tip: 10 Ways to Highlight Your Brand on Instagram
Did you know, Instagram Stories have over 300 million daily active users? Instagram Stories are a quick and easy way to drum up additional engagement, show off your company, and connect with guests conveniently. See all 10 ways to engage and show off your brand on Instagram.