Micha is our Social Media Strategy Specialist! He can pinpoint new opportunities for clients in a playful and authentic way. Find out everything from his favorite way to unwind to a secret all clients need to know about him.
BTM: What’s the last website you visited?
Just now? www.metalocator.com – an interesting company to build store locators and such.
BTM: Where did you spend your last vacation?
I went on a road trip to San Diego with my husband, Paul, and my two younger brothers Daniel and Stefan. Both had never been to the United States and were so overwhelmed by everything. It makes me smile thinking about it. My favorite stop of the trip was Disney Land. I dreamed of going there since I was a little boy.
BTM: Publications or blogs you read on a daily basis.
“Transform Your Life” – an app on my iPhone with very insightful quotes
BTM: You would never leave home without…
…opening and closing the door.
BTM: What’s for dinner tonight?
A veggie patty on a bread roll with feta-yogurt-roasted-kale-dip and a three hour rehearsal at Basalt Middle School for their spring musical.
BTM: Favorite libation.
As a born Bavarian: beer of course! Currently I am on the IPA trip; this beer is so different from everything I had back in Germany.
BTM: If you could work remotely from anywhere, where would it be?
Hawaii in the winter. In summer: a tree house with a nice view of Colorado!
BTM: Favorite way to unwind.
Yoga and Hot Springs!
BTM: A secret clients should know about you. True or False.
I decide before every call how I am going to pronounce my name today. Sometimes I am Misha, sometimes Michael, sometimes Mica and every once in a while I dare to pronounce my name using the German “ch.” I say Micha and deal with the unavoidable “Michelle?”
BTM: Anything else you wish to spill?
Morning sun over a field of wild flowers 🙂
BTM: One sport you wish you had time for.
Horseback riding!
BTM: How do you use flex time?
To be part of some music or theatre event. Occasionally for a big hike!
BTM: Three words coworkers would use to describe you.
Creative. (A bit too) sensitive. Happy.
BTM: Favorite aspect of your role.
Social media is fascinating and it’s return, immediate. When I start a new Facebook ad campaign, I have a pretty good idea how well it will perform a day later and can react. When I post content, I know within hours if I found a topic that is interesting for followers.
The whole social media landscape is changing every day, mostly for the better. Companies have more and more great opportunities to connect with their clients and to find new prospects in a playful and authentic way. I enjoy keeping up with it all and exploring the latest features. What a fun job!