Caleb is our trusty support team leader from Portland, OR and May’s featured team member! Often posted up in a coffee shop while working with clients, Caleb is also an incredibly talented musician and an explorer by nature. To find out more about Caleb, keep on reading…
BTM: Where did you spend your last vacation?
Anacortes, Washington. It’s the jumping off point to the San Juan Islands in the Puget Sound. Surprisingly, there’s a killer underground music scene. They put on a little ‘music festival’ every summer. There’s also plenty of great hiking and camping. Rocky coastline, hilly terrain with epic views, tall trees, lakes, and ocean. Hard to beat this area.
BTM: Books on your nightstand?
Jailbird – Kurt Vonnegut
In Watermelon Sugar – Richard Brautigan
Jitterbug Perfume – Tom Robbins
Sometimes A Great Notion – Ken Kesey
BTM: One lesson from childhood you still live by today.
Keep exploring. I took road trips with my mom most summers growing up. I gained a lot of perspective seeing so many new places. I always try to keep exploring.
BTM: You would never leave home without…
A hat and something plaid. I love my flannel.
BTM: What’s for dinner tonight?
Red curry with chicken, broccoli, and chickpeas. Local, organic, and sustainably farmed, of course. (It’s Portland… I couldn’t get it any other way if I tried.)
BTM: One sport you wish you had time for.
Two: Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer.
BTM: A secret clients should know about you (true or false).
My first band – Stately Mane (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PMordOa4rk) – toured the US in 2010. Our first tee-shirt was featured in a blog post by a screen printer, too: http://www.jupmode.com/blog/2010/07/07/shirts-i-like-stately-mane
BTM: Day to day routine at Blue Tent.
I handle new support requests and hourly client work. I’m typically juggling several conversations, a stylesheet, and a cup of coffee all at the same time.
BTM: Favorite aspect of your role
I get to work on different things and solve different types of problems each day. It keeps me on my toes.
BTM: Favorite libation.
Old Fashioned.
BTM: How do you use flex time?
I put most of my flex time to use during performances. When we have a show opening, I skate out early to get to the theater in time for warm-ups.
BTM: If you could work remotely from anywhere, where would it be?
Portland, Oregon. Oh, wait…
BTM: Favorite way to unwind.
A bike ride through town, along the river, or up Mt. Tabor. Post-ride beers are optional. Weekend camping trips in the Cascades help, too.
Want to hear more of Caleb’s music or to find out more about Portlandia? Reach out to our support ninja, caleb@bluetent.com.