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Rezfest 2018 Marco Island Survival Guide

By August 29, 2018September 7th, 2018Strategy

Strategies to Thrive at HomeAway's Rezfest

Opening Reception

Tuesday | 9:00 am – 8:30 pm


Rezfest officially kicks off in the morning Tuesday, September 25th! Throughout the day you can meet one-on-one with industry leaders and in the evening, enjoy the opening reception among good company and vacation rental professionals.

Panel Talks Lead the Way on Wednesday

Wednesday | 8:00 am – 4:45 pm


Presenter: HomeAway & Industry Leaders
Gear up for a day among inspiring professionals who will share useful tactics and strategies to help you grow your vacation rental business.

Don’t Miss Our Presentation, Elevate Your Online Business in 2019


Presenter: Peter Scott, President of Bluetent and Ned Lucks, Chief Technology Officer at Bluetent

Join the Bluetent Team for an inspiring presentation on the most significant opportunities to grow your online business in the modern landscape. We’ll review how to stay ahead of the competition, enhance your brand, build loyalty with guests, and drive more revenue through smart distribution, direct-booking websites, and guest stay-cycle marketing.

Schedule a Demo of Rezfusion


On average, Bluetent clients have grown 33% YoY. Discover our direct-booking websites, distribution, guest experience solutions, and marketing services. Swing by our booth to chat with our team, or simply schedule a time to connect, we’re available throughout the show!

Let’s connect! Email

1 out of 10,000 Island Tips: After a day of networking, you may be ready for a new adventure! Observe wildlife in its natural habitat along the half-mile boardwalk at Briggs Nature Center.
Continue the Momentum on Thursday

Thursday | 8:45 am – 4:45 pm


Presenter: HomeAway & Industry Leaders
Soak up all the tips and content that you can during the second and final day of presentations!

Catch up on, How Government Regulations are Impacting the Vacation Rental Marketplace


Presenter: HomeAway

Across the globe, in communities large and small, HomeAway’s Government and Public Affairs team is working with local elected officials, community stakeholders, and local partners to support fair regulations and defend against onerous rules that could harm your ability to operate. Join the team as they walk through recent trends in regulation from Seattle to Miami and provide you with concrete ways to get involved.

Set a Reminder for, Optimizing Your Website for the Future


Presenter: Bluetent, ICND, and Q4

Our team joins the panel with ICND and Q4 to present tips for website best practices and we’ll review what’s up-and-coming in SEO, design, user experience, content, and more.

2 out of 10,000 Island Tips: Need a change of pace? Explore the Marco Island Historical Museum with artifacts from the Calusa Indians that are more than 3,000 years old. Admission is free.
Explore why 250+ leading vacation rental companies use Rezfusion.
Schedule a complimentary consultation with our team!

Reach travelers, inspire guests, and attract more owners with direct-booking websites, distribution, guest experience solutions, and marketing services. Come by our booth to connect with our team and learn more. 

Not ready to commit? Email to start the conversation.

Attend the Business Growth Presentation, Happy Owners, Better Business: How to Build Lasting Relationships


Presenter: HomeAway

Maintaining strong owner relationships is a critical component of any property management business, and also one of the most complex. Learn how to make a positive, professional impression at every step of the process: identifying and attracting new owners, retaining existing owners and expanding your partnership, and exiting gracefully.

Join the Power Hour, Build Your Own Marketing Plan


Presenter: HomeAway

Back by popular demand, it’s the “Build Your Own Marketing Plan” power hour. Come with your vision, mission, and 2019 goals in mind and spend 55 minutes getting the beginning components of your marketing plan on paper! Plus, brainstorm with fellow PMs on marketing tactics and ideas.

3 out of 10,000 Island Tips: Looking for a fresh crab feast? Take a break and head to Old Marco Lodge Crab House where you can order crabs any way you like.
Discover Bluetent’s Survival Kit in your welcome bag with the essentials you’ll need to keep going at the conference. In the kit provided by our team, you’ll notice a little pick-me-up snack, an extra kick of Vitamin-C, and Advil so that you can recharge. We also provided the perfect travel-size wipes to conveniently clean your hands after all the handshakes, plus, pocket-perfect chapstick. And don’t forget to add a pop of color to your notebook, water bottle, badge, etc. with the Bluetent sticker.