Emily, one of our brilliant Project Managers, is an explorer at heart. She has traveled to some of the world’s most remote and remarkable places and there is still more to conquer on her bucket list. When she’s not tapping away on her Mac, you can typically find her hiking with her family, diving into a good book, or sailing away into the abyss. Read on to learn more about one of our adventurers…
The Tent: What was the last website you visited?
The Tent: Where did you spend your last vacation?
On a road trip down the coast of California with my family ending at my father-in-law’s 90th birthday party in LA. Recently we traveled to Coast Rica and Cape Cod as well.
The Tent: Publications or blogs you read on a daily basis.
The Tent: Items on your Bucket List.
- Snorkel in the Galapagos
- Up close and photographing African Beauties
- Hiking in Czech and/or Italy
The Tent: Books on your nightstand?
- To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, a masterpiece worth reading often (read it again, rumor is Harper Lee is releasing Go Set a Watchman this summer!)
- I am Malala, Malala Yousafzai
- The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh
- The Innovators, Walter Isaacson
- All The Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr
- And all the books my kids are reading from high school — lots of fantastic re-reads from way back then.
The Tent: Favorite Documentary.
- Shackleton’s Antarctic Adventure (IMAX)
The Tent: One lesson from childhood you still live by today.
Whenever we complained because something didn’t go our way, my dad would faithfully listen, and then chalk it up as “a character building experience.” We would roll our eyes. And he’d go on: be bold, ask questions, and try new things. Believe in building your own character — and never stop.
The Tent: You would never leave home without…
A headlamp, hiking shoes, and chocolate.
The Tent: What’s for dinner tonight?
“Roll-ups”… My kids favorite. Basically our home version of burritos. I have to bring all the gear and cook them when I visit my son Jesse in New Hampshire, they don’t seem to do burritos very well…
The Tent: One sport you wish you had time for.
Kite Surfing
The Tent: A secret clients should know about you (true or false).
I still love the Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes Cartoons; I’m afraid that dates me…
The Tent: Day to day routine at Bluetent.
Get coffee, open all the websites I’m working on, promise myself I’ll visit each destination some day (add more to the bucket list), talk shop with Bluetent geniuses and our impressive clients, and if I have time, work out with the Bluetent team.
The Tent: Favorite aspect of your role
I love working with talented people, both at Bluetent and with our clients.
The Tent: One vice.
Cream in my coffee.
The Tent: Favorite libation.
G & T on a beach.
The Tent: How do you use flex time?
Shuffling my kids to/from sports events, hiking with my dog Panda, listening about water issues from my husband Ken, and wondering how to magically snap my fingers to clean the house.
The Tent: If you could work remotely from anywhere, where would it be?
Somewhere sunny and on a beach (preferably near mango and avocado trees).
The Tent: Favorite way to unwind.
Hiking with my family, kayaking not-too-hairy rapids in crystal clear, warm water, sailing, or reading a masterpiece of a book.
The Tent: If you could meet one person past, present, or future, who would it be?
Malala and/or her father.
Malala because she is wise beyond her years, her father because he helped that happen.
The Tent: Favorite place in the world.
Anywhere with an expansive view and no motors.
The Tent: Three words coworkers would use to describe you.
Game for anything.
Want to learn more about Emily? emily@bluetent.com.